Welcome to the TokenoftheFREElance (TFREE) project

TFREE is the token specifically dedicated to freelancers and employees in portage

It is a deflationary model and then, the total of tokens are limited to 1 billion.
In the order hand, it is an utility token which each freelance partner with us will gain 100 of them.
Only the purchase will be taxed at 5%, in order to encourage the holding of tokens on long term.

The economic of TFREE tokens allow to maintain the token to the good price on long term.
Thy are divide to 4 main parts: Holders, team, charity, ....

You can upload and read the white paper here ...

From May 2023 : TFREE project team will sign several contracts with small societies which work directly with freelancers.

From May 2023 : The 1st partnership is with the freelancers of JocelynDissok enterprise.

What is the aim of the project ?

How to buy TFREE tokens ?

Is there a vesting ? If yes, which exactly ?


